
Top notch protection for you and your business.

Increased Data Security

No cardholder data is entered or stored in the merchant’s environment, thus no capability of a compromise or breach.

Business as normal

All existing channels of payment acceptance remain in tact – internet, phone, mail, terminal, POS, etc.

Customer experience

Your brand remains in tact while your customers maintain a familiar but FRESH new experience.

Easy Integration

We make the process easy and efficient. Little to no support needed from your end - we've got it covered.

Everything you need

And none of the worry.

Data Encryption.

All sensitive data transmitted to Corduro is encrypted and stored on secured servers.

Boost Customer Confidence.

With the Corduro safe and secure seal, your customers have confidence that their transactions are protected to the highest level of security standards.  Place the “Safe & Secure” seal on your website and customers can click on it for more detail on the standards that are being met during every transaction.

Credit Card Vault

When using Corduro to vault your sensitive data, you’re provided a token that allow you access to charge a vaulted card by presenting the valid token.  The sensitive credit card data is never on your system.  Think of it as the safe deposit boxes at your bank.  Each box represents the card data, and you have to present a valid key (token) to open the box.


We work directly with you  to create your own token or we can generate one for you.  The capability exists for multiple credit card storage per customer in the vault.  During the initial scope of the process we work with you to determine any other information for us to vault in addition to sensitive card data.  This includes customized fields.

Corduro vs Competition

We pride ourselves on leading the industry standards for security, but see for yourself how we compare to other payment platforms.

Time to become PC compliant


Less than 30 days

The Competition

4 - 18 Months

PCI DSS controls to meet (SAQ A clients)


Less than 15

The Competition

Over 200

Manpower costs / Scope costs



The Competition

$50,000 - $500,000

Hardware/Software upgrade expense



The Competition

$75,000 - $500,000

Ongoing expenses (maintenance / personnel)



The Competition

Variable and increasing